Want to Know How to use Quadratic Equation Calculator?
Most of the activities that we carry out on a day to day basis involve calculations. This is a fact! But feel free to prove me wrong. However, calculations always vary. Some work on accounting calculations. Others calculate speed of the wind, while others calculate the strength of certain materials. But, let me mention a different calculation that most of those who went to high school or are still there are expected to do. I am talking about quadratic equations. These equations are largely found in high school text books but that does not mean cannot be found outside the high school. In fact, chemical industries put to good use the knowledge they have on quadratic equation into mixing some chemicals correctly at the right amount and the right chemical.
So, what is a quadratic equation?
This is an equation that takes the form of ax2 + bx + c, whereby a, b and c is known numbers and they represent the numerical coefficients of the equation given, while x is the unknown variable that we will try to uncover its solution using various methods that are there. Any method used is called a quadratic equation calculator.